Check Out My New Project!

Hi! Thanks for checking out Yoshi's Stories. If you're new here, this blog is a finished project, but please feel free to look around! If, on the other hand, you've been here before, thanks for coming back! I've started something new, and I would love for you to check it out!


Q:  Why are you doing this?

A:  It's fun.

Q:  Are you trying to do this everyday?

A:  If I can.  I missed a day about a month ago, and then another one about two days that, but aside from that I haven't missed any!

Q:  Anything we can do?

A:  Sure.  If you like my scrapbook, tell others about it!

Q:  Why do you panic when Mario's riding your back and you get hit?

A:  That's really embarrassing that I do that.  It's not because I'm trying to save myself or anything.  Since he does that transparency thing when we get hit by a baddie, I always worry that he's been injured.  The problem is that my panic makes me look pretty silly, and I'm not helping him out when I do it.
Q:  Do you take all the pictures yourself?

A:  No.  Some of them are from friends and family.

Q:  Has Mario always been riding you?

A:  It probably makes me sound really old, but every time he's on a green Yoshi, it's me.

Q:  In that case, since he's jumped off of you over so many cliffs, how are you still here?

A:  I can actually hop into an egg as a last ditch effort to save myself.  Problem is that once I'm in it, someone else has to get me out.  Mario gets into a lot of trouble when he jumps off me like that, but it actually saves us both from a nasty fall.

Q:  What's your favorite adventure with Mario?

A:  That's hard to say.  I think my favorite one was from the first time he rescued me and we saved the Princess (most people call that experience Super Mario World).

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