Check Out My New Project!

Hi! Thanks for checking out Yoshi's Stories. If you're new here, this blog is a finished project, but please feel free to look around! If, on the other hand, you've been here before, thanks for coming back! I've started something new, and I would love for you to check it out!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Crossing Chaos.

I don't know if you ever watched my friends and me in our first Mario Party, but there's a particular board named after myself where Pink is stuck on an island surrounded by whirlpools and Blue is telling her it's safe to come across.  Here's what you should know.  In spite of what Toad said, she wasn't afraid of the water because she's an awesome swimmer and the whirlpools only went two inches deep.  She was actually afraid to cross because she could see Mario on the other bank and, as you can see here, he's the size of a China doll.  Now, we tried explaining to her that that was part of the game and it was my turn which was why Mario was small, but she didn't get it.  So she spent the whole game on the island because she didn't want to shrink down to his size.  This might sound silly since he went back to normal size when his turn came, but then I shrank down and she could see it, and that just freaked her out more.  It took until the very end of the game to convince her, when no one on the board was shrunken.  Nonetheless, the myth about her fear of the water stuck.  I just wanted to clarify for your benefit why she was really so scared looking.  I okayed it with her, by the way.

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